The Birth of ENGONUS

The Birth of ENGONUS: Inspired by the Struggles of SMEs

ENGONUS emerged from recognizing the deep challenges that SMEs face in staying competitive in an ever-changing market. For years, we worked closely with a small business, accompanying it in its effort to digitize its processes. We soon realized that existing technological solutions were prohibitively expensive and overly complex for an SME. The frustration of the business owner, who was forced to abandon the digitalization process due to the high costs of development and integration, was something we experienced firsthand. This pain, this real and tangible problem, led us to an inevitable conclusion: there had to be a system that was accessible, easy to implement, and truly tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

From Frustration to Innovation: The Creation of ENGONUS

Thus, ENGONUS was born, a system that has been in continuous development for nearly five years, driven by the determination to provide SMEs with a technological solution that truly works. We know that our work doesn’t end here. Government regulations, changing customer demands, and our own vision of the future drive us to continue innovating and strengthening our developments. This is the story of how ENGONUS became the technological partner that SMEs needed, committed to always being a pillar in their stages of growth and development.

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