Discover What ENGONUS Is

Do you know that your SME needs to advance, but you’re not sure where to start? ENGONUS is the solution you’ve been looking for.

Is your SME still struggling with outdated systems that prevent you from being competitive in an increasingly demanding market? ENGONUS was born from a deep understanding of these challenges. We are a solution specifically created for SMEs like yours, designed to simplify daily management and optimize resources without complications. We know your budget is tight, your technical staff is limited, and you need a solution that works, without surprises or complications.

At ENGONUS, we offer:

  • Scalable ERP: A system that grows with your SME, easy to implement and without the need for specialized technical staff. This ERP is designed to be useful for all members of the SME, synchronizing information and data so that everyone can be more efficient.
  • Advanced IIoT: Smart sensors and PDAs that provide you with real-time data to make more precise decisions and optimize your operations.
  • Mobile App: Manage your business from anywhere, maintaining full control no matter where you are.
  • Secondary Tools: Additionally, you can opt for the integration of technologies like Blockchain, which guarantees the traceability and authenticity of your processes, offering transparency and trust to your customers.

Our ERP includes key functionalities that cover all critical areas of your SME, such as:

  • Sales and POS – Sales Improvement
  • Purchasing – Purchase Optimization
  • Inventory and Stock – Total Control
  • Budgeting – Efficient Management
  • Expenses – Cost Reduction
  • Movements and Traceability – Precise Tracking
  • Returns – Simple Handling
  • Payment Gateways – Integrated Payments
  • Accounting – Clear Finances
  • HR – Personnel Management
  • Business Intelligence – Informed Decisions
  • Access Levels – Security
  • Advanced Features – Extra Functionality
  • Conversion Facilities to 10 Languages – Multilingualism
  • Other Details – Flexibility

At ENGONUS, we don’t just want to be your technology provider; we want to be your strategic ally. We are here to help you overcome your challenges, grow, and become more competitive in an environment that leaves no room for inefficiency. It’s time to transform your SME, and we are ready to accompany you every step of the way!

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